Canadaeffective Curriculum Ideas
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The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9 and 10: Canadian and World Studies, 2013. Beginning in September 2018, all Canadian and world studies courses for Grades 9 and 10 will be based on the expectations outlined in this document. This edition of the curriculum includes a revision of the history curriculum. Principles of Curriculum Design Provincial curriculum includes the following elements – Big Ideas, Core Competencies, Curricular Competencies and Content. Content is the vehicle used to access the curricular competencies. It details the essential topics and knowledge at each grade level (Know).
Aaron Vanderkuyl is a Social Work student from the University of Windsor, and is currently in his advanced practicum at Changing Ways. Aaron has long worked with individuals and families to improve relationships, and foster caring and trust within the home. At Changing Ways, he continues to serve, and advocate on behalf of an underserved community to help engage men in actively nurturing positive relationships with their partners and children | As a student at Changing Ways, I have learned just how vital it is to support men in changing the way they think about and use their power. Unfortunately, there still exists an alarmingly high rate of domestic violence in society, and these offences are committed disproportionately by men. Canadian estimates suggest that roughly 30% of women have experienced some form of physical or sexual abuse in their lifetime. Some men use violence as a means of controlling their partner’s thoughts, feelings and actions, when other tactics have not been effective. Although physical and sexual violence are considered to be the most extreme forms of control, other tactics include:
This is a complex question as there are numerous factors that contribute to the use of violence in intimate relationships. Often, men who use violence have experienced abusive parenting while they were children or have observed abuse in other relationships growing up. Men are also often socialized in their communities to conform to male stereotypes, which reinforce controlling behaviours. Some of these myths that have been entrenched into our society include: that a man’s opinion is regarded as higher than a woman’s; that a man is considered weak if he shows his true feelings; that a man needs to be the main earner in the family and to control the funds; and that women are passive and require direction. If men hold false beliefs like these, they will continue to feel as though the use of power over their partner is justified. The additional danger is that men who use any form of control, such as emotional abuse, can escalate to violence when those means become ineffective. Because of this, there is an increasing importance placed on challenging men to recognize and be accountable for their use of control over their partners and to break the cycle of abuse. Work needs to be done at a number of different societal levels in order to address the complicated issue of violence against women. At Changing Ways, services are provided to men who have already used some form of abuse against their partner. The goal of the program is to help men become aware of their abusive control tactics, take accountability for the harm that it causes within relationships and families, and develop strategies which will foster respectful partnerships in which both parties share power equally. One of the challenges is fighting the engrained societal norms about gender roles which are used to justify the use of power over another person. This is certainly no small feat for men, because the social stigma attached to these men who are coming forward and have abused their partners is profound. Organizations like Changing Ways work hard to engage men in the community to collectively defy those harmful beliefs which contribute to a culture that places the needs of men over that of women. We also provide a safe space for men to openly talk about their experiences of using abuse with other men who were/are in similar situations. This allows for open conversation to happen in an area where men will not feel judged. On a larger societal level, a shift is needed in the way we think and talk about gender roles. Currently, there still exists considerable pressure from society to keep men and women confined to a set of expectations and double standards, which creates an unhealthy climate. If men are able to come forward and actively question these ideas, it goes a long way to setting a positive precedent for other men to be able to follow. Men can be engaged in the process of change and can help to become advocates for programs which address gender inequality and challenge men’s perceived norms. It often all comes down to this one question: Why do we think it’s so important to engage men in ending violence against women? The answer is clear: Men have the power to set a precedent for other men in the way they interact with women, for good or for bad. Once men are actively engaged in setting an example within male groups and challenging inappropriate ideas and behaviours, change will come much more quickly. It is up to all of us to do our part in creating a more respectful and supportive community. References Ellsberg, Arango, Morton, Gennari, Kiplesund, Contreras, & Watts. (2015). Prevention of violence against women and girls: What does the evidence say? The Lancet,385(9977), 1555-1566. Harway, M., O'Neil, James M, Biden, Joseph R, & Sage Publications. (1999). What causes men's violence against women? Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications. Morris, M., Gibson Library Connections Inc, & Match International Centre, publisher. (2014). Violence against women in Canada : Effective approaches and resources. |
A Legal History
(C) Copyright 1994-2021 William F. Maton
Quota pars operis tanti nobis committur? -Seneca
Memory - A practical quality whichallows us to weigh what has already been done against what mightbe done now. Memory is therefore a key to responsibleaction..Romanticism is a fantasized version of the past.Unpleasant events and personal or national failures are erased,while comforts and successes are exaggerated. Or wrongs may beexaggerated and comforts and successes erased. On either sideromanticism is intended to energize false hopes. In its mostexaggerated form it denies the relevance of memory and constructsfree-standing abstract ideologies. - John Ralston Saul
![Canadaeffective Curriculum Ideas Canadaeffective Curriculum Ideas](
Please read the following disclaimer first, then check what's new at this archive,the last modification having been made on 28 June, 2019 (always checkwhat's new first!!), or go to the top ofthe archive.
These documents are provided as a serviceto Canadians and others interested in Canada, who regularlytravel the net and who are curious in regards to, 'what thefuss is all about.' This 'collection' is merelyhere for reference only.
If you havea legal question regarding the constitutional validity of a law,or any other legal questions, please consult a lawyer.
Every effort has been made to reproducethese documents accurately. However, since these documents wereobtained through either OCR (Optical Character Recognition),through the Internet from other sources or otherwise hand-typed,errors of various sorts may occur. Please send e-mail if you find any, thankyou.
This service is not in any way connectedto or funded by the Government of Canada, its agencies, or crowncorporations. This is simply a service provided by the author inhis spare time as a free reference. It's not even supported by darkmoney.
Unlike the majority of countries whose basic law derives fromone document, Canada's basic law derives not only from a set ofdocuments known as Constitution Acts, but also a set of unwrittenlaws and conventions. This comprises of all the acts passed since1867 up to and including 2001. As a result, all constitutionaldocuments during that time period have the force of law. This isanalogous to laying a foundation (ConstitutionAct, 1867) and then building upon it and modifying it as the needarises (the successive Acts and Orders).
The Documents
There are other documents that relate to Canada's developmentas a country, such as those predating Confederation, which do nothold the force of law, as each act was superseded by the otheruntil the passing and proclamation of the Constitution Act, 1867. Some of thesedocuments include the Charter of Hudson'sBay, the RoyalProclamation, 1763 and the Quebec Act, 1774.Still, section 129 of the Constitution Act, 1867 Mac mavericks manual free. implies yet more laws prior to this one apply.
Also, in past and recent history there have been many proposals(among them the VictoriaCharter, the 1978 paper A Timefor Action and a draftpreamble from 1980 among other things, to amend the constitution which either failed to get ratified orwere rejected during the original process of drafting the'patriation' formula. Then there's thethe 1987 Meech LakeAccord and the paper ShapingCanada's Future Together (Charlottetown Accord)) Of course, such proposals wouldn't becomplete without some committee and commission reports which also contain many other ideas and adjustments to some proposals.
Amongst those documents cited, there are other important documents worth mentioning also,that have to do in one way or another with the development of Canada'sconstitution, as well as that of the country. A few of these are the London Resolutions of 1866 and the QuebecSign Law, Bill 178 of 1988, as well asthe Federal law binding Parliament to use a self-imposedconstitutional amending formula.
Finally, one cannot overlook the great expanse of opinion from manypeople. Arguments for and against constitutional change and analysis are constantlythrown into the public forum, and here asmall extract can be found.
Formatting Notes
As you browse through each document, notice how in many of the olderenactments the nouns tend to be capitalized: This was a tradition carriedfrom the United Kingdom and was later dropped by Canada.
Also note that within these documents, at nearly the top of each of these,you will find a date in parentheses or square brackets. This is the date when the documentwas given Royal Assent (i.e., proclaimed into law the same day perhaps,but not always).
This site uses UTF-8 character encoding, which means accented characters will appear correctly when a web browser is configured for that. This also affects links containing such encodings. Ce site utilise le codage de caractères UTF-8, ce qui signifie que les caractères accentués apparaîtront correctement lorsqu'un navigateur Web est configuré pour cela. Cela affecte également les liens contenant de tels encodages.
N. B. These documents are the Englishversions. A committee was struck years ago to have them translated into anofficial French version, but to the best of my knowledge, it handed in itsreport to Parliament in 1990. Apparently the report was then distributedto the provinces as part of a process to introduce a Parliamentaryresolution, but the political climate of the 1990's has halted that process. Interestingly enough, this report's recommended translations has come intoquestion.
For more details on this, refer tosection 55 of theConstitution Act, 1982.
Contributions (particularly for French language versions) to this projectare welcome. I have some more plans for this, so stay tuned! Please seethe Acknowledgments for a list of contributors whohave helped along the way. Any comments are appreciated.
Constitution Act, 1867 (Consolidated) (Formerly known as the British North America Act, 1867 [Consolidated]) (U.K.) [ Original Enactment PDF ]The base document included in the Canadian Constitution. (See section 52 of the Constitution Act, 1982.
Based on meetings in Charlottetown, Quebec City (72 Resolutions) and London.
United Upper Canada (Ontario), Lower Canada (Quebec), Nova Scotia and New Brunswick creating the Dominion of Canada.
Created a U.K. style parliament: a House of Commons and a Senate.
Section 56 allowed for a Power of Disallowance which gave the Governor General the right to revoke a federal law within two years after it was enacted (In the case of a province, the Lieutenant Governor had one year).
Section 57 permitted the Governor General to withhold assent to a bill for a period of two years, after which the legislation would not become law (Again, in the case of a province, the Lieutenant Governor had one year).
Section 90 applied sections 53-57 to the provinces.
Section 91 provided for federal powers, (including the Peace, Order and Good Government clause) Historically, this was the third time this form of the clause appeared in official documents, but the clause 'peace, welfare and good government' appeared 45 times including in the Royal Proclamation of 1763, The Quebec Act 1774 and the Constitutional Act, 1791 while section 92 laid out the powers for the provinces.
Section 93 guaranteed denominational education, as well as education in general to be the jurisdiction of the provinces.
Neither a domestic amending formula nor a 'bill of rights' included as neither were thought necessary.
Schedule 6 was inserted by the Constitution Act, 1982 to give the provinces jurisdiction over natural resources.
The proclamation fixes the date it commences for July 1, 1867 and also names the first appointed Senators.
A British Law empowering the Queen to accept all lands belonging to the Hudson's Bay Company and the North-Western Territory (as it was then called) to become, at a later date and at the United Kingdom's discretion, part of the Dominion of Canada.
Temporary Government of Rupert's Land Act, 1869 [ Fra ]
Allowed the government of Canada to create a temporary government for Rupert's Land when it was admitted into the union.
Manitoba Act, 1870 [ Fra ]
Created the Province of Manitoba and established its government.
Rupert'sLand and North-Western Territory Order (London Gazette Publication date: 24 June 1870 Issue: 23627 Page: 3089)
The actual Royal Order declaring that Rupert's Land become a part of Canada, effective July 15, 1870.
Contained resolutions of the House of Commons and the Senate of Canada petitioning for the admission of the territories into the Dominion of Canada, plus several memoranda.
Contains the Deed of Surrender, detailing districts, trading posts and acreages.
Set conditions that the Canadian government was to allow Hudson's Bay Company to trade without hindrance, and to pay them compensation, plus allow the Company the right to claim blocks of land of specific sizes for their own use under certain conditions and in certain areas.
Relieved Hudson's Bay Company of any unsettled Indian Claims, effectively making it the responsibility of the Canadian Government.
British Columbia Terms of Union (Formerly Order of Her Majesty in Council admitting British Columbia into the Union) (London Gazette Publication date: 19 May 1871, Issue: 23738, Page: 2392)
Admitted British Columbia as a Province into the Dominion of Canada.
Gave Parliament the power to create new provinces out of the Northwest Territories (then recently acquired from the Hudson's Bay Company and the Queen).
Aimed primarily to give validity to the Manitoba Act, 1870, just in case doubts arose.See the background over doubts in Canadian Sessional Papers, 1871, No. 20, 2nd Return
It also meant for all future actions to create provinces out of territories, the Parliament of Canada didn't need to repeatedly ask the UK Parliament to do this.
Prince Edward Island Terms of Union (London Gazette Publication date: 4 July 1873 Issue: 23995 Page: 3193)
Admitted Prince Edward Island as a Province into the Dominion of Canada.
Anticipated by An Act respecting the admission of the Colony of Prince Edward Island as a Province of the Dominion, 36 Vict., c. 40.
Amended by the Constitution Amendment Proclamation, 1993 (Prince Edward Island).
Clarified the power of the Canadian Parliament to legislate over, 'privileges, immunities, and powers of,' its members.
Adjacent Territories Order (Canada Gazette Volume XIV, No. 15, Oct 9, 1880 p. 389)
Admitted all remaining territories of British North America surrounding Canada (except Newfoundland) into Canada.
Allowed parliamentary representation for citizens residing in the Territories, which was an oversight of the Constitution Act, 1871.
Extended the boundaries of Ontario.
A general law passed by the UK Parliament repealing certain 'spent' (obsolete or no longer relevant) laws, including 10 'spent' sections in the Constitution Act, 1867.
The repeal of section 2 of the Constitution Act, 1867, has potentially curious implications for the monarchy in Canada (A.R. Hassard, Canadian Constitutional History and the Law (Toronto: Carswell, 1900) p. 78.
These changes apparently went undiscovered and unnoticed by anyone in Canada for almost 50 years until noted in an article by F.R. Scott in the Canadian Bar Review of 1942.
A technical act which confirmed the validity of another law regarding the Deputy Speaker of the Senate.
Yukon Territory Act, 1898 [ Fra ]
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Created the Yukon Territory, separate from the, 'Northwest Territories'
Provided for its government and court system.
Alberta Act, 1905 (Formerly The Alberta Act, 1905) [ Fra ]
Created the province of Alberta.
This law created the administration and the government and designated Edmonton as its capitol.
Allowed the province to abolish the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court of the North-west Territories so it could create its own superior court later.
Created a system of subsidies to be provided by the federal government to the province.
Specified that all remaining assets and liabilities of the North-west Territories be divided equally with Saskatchewan.
Saskatchewan Act, 1905 (Formerly The Saskatchewan Act, 1905) [ Fra ]
Created the province of Saskatchewan.
This law is exactly the same as the Alberta Act, except where it pertains to Saskatchewan.
Amended the federal-provincial transfer payment schedule.
Constitution Act, 1915 (Formerly British North America Act, 1915) (U.K.) [ UK Public General Acts ]
Readjusted the number of seats in the Senate from 72 to 96.
Extended the term of the Twelfth Parliament during World War I
A general bill that repealed a number of Acts, including the British North America Act, 1916.
A collection of Agreements made with the provinces of British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba which transferred all rights and interests of certain natural resources.
Permitted the amending of such agreements between the federal government and the provincial government in question by simple statute passed by each.
Statute of Westminster, 1931 (U.K.) [ UK Public General Acts (PDF) ]
A result of the Balfour Declaration of 1926 and the previous Imperial Conferences of 1926 and 1930.
Set out to make the UK's Dominions as equal to each other and it as possible.
Removed legislative authority of Parliament in the United Kingdom over the Dominions (Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and Newfoundland), with the following exception: As the Canadian delegation had been unable to settle on an amending formula, the existing scheme (i.e. a simple British law, subject to amendment by the U.K.) was retained. In other words amending the 'constitution of Canada' still required an Act of the UK Parliament.
Had this law not had the exception, then the Parliament of Canada alone would have been able to amend the constitution, without provincial consent.
Constitution Act, 1940 (Formerly British North America Act, 1940) (U.K.) [ UK Public General Acts ]
Canadaeffective Curriculum Ideas Activities
Gave the Federal Government under Parliament the power to legislate laws repealing unemployment insurance.
Delayed the decennial re-adjustment of the seats in the House of Commons until World War II was over. See UK Cabinet Minutes, Letter and Informal notes related to this law.
British North America Act, 1946 (Repealed by the Constitution Act, 1982) (U.K.) [ UK Public General Acts ]
Changed section 51 of the Constitution Act, 1867, to bring the number of members in the House of Commons to 255. See UK Minute, Cabinet Memo, Cabinet Minutes July 18, 1946 and July 22, 1946 related to this law. Additionally, UK House of Commons Debates 26th July, 1946, House of Lords, 22nd July, 1946
Letters Patent Constituting the Office of Governor General of Canada [ PDF ]
Proclaimed October 1, 1947
Describes the office of Governor General of Canada
Defines the role of the Governor General in relation to the monarchy and government.
Specifies method of succession to the office in case of death or incapacity.
Confirms that Canada has the power to make international treaties on its own behalf, as had been incorporated in the Statute of Westminster, 1931
Defines other powers to be exercised by the Governor General.
Newfoundland Act (Formerly British North America Act, 1949) (U.K.) [ UK Public General Acts (PDF) ]
Admitted the last British North American colony to the Dominion of Canada, making it the tenth province.
Gave religious entities special power over education, according to Term 17, which was the subject of a referendum in 1995.
British North America (No. 2) Act, 1949 (Repealed by the Constitution Act, 1982) (U.K.) [ UK Public General Act ]
Gave the Parliament of Canada limited powers to amend the Constitution of Canada.
Became a lightning rod at the 1950 Federal-Provincial Conference because the provinces believed they could not prevent changes to the constitution affecting them.
A very broad Act which repealed many laws enacted by the Parliaments of England, Great Britain, and the United Kingdom, some dating from before 1800.
In Canada's case, section 118 of the Constitution Act, 1867, was repealed.
British North America Act, 1951 (Partially repealed by the Constitution Act, 1964, Repealed by the Constitution Act, 1982) (U.K.) [ UK Public General Acts ]
Gave the Federal government the power to enact laws regarding old age pensions, such as, e.g. Canada Pension Plan.
British North America Act, 1952 (Repealed by the Constitution Act, 1982) [ Fra ]
Changed section 51 of the Constitution Act, 1867, to bring the number of members in the House of Commons to 263.
Constitution Act, 1960 (Formerly British North America Act, 1960) (U.K.) [ UK Public General Acts ]
Changed the length of term of office for superior court judges (including those of the Supreme Court) to 75 years of age instead of for-life.
Constitution Act, 1964 (Formerly British North America Act, 1964) (U.K.) [ UK Public General Acts ]
Gave Parliament the power to legislate laws regarding old age pensions.
Constitution Act, 1965 (Formerly British North America Act, 1965) [ Fra ]
Changed the length of term of office for Senators to 75 years of age instead of for-life.
Constitution Act, 1974 (Formerly British North America Act, 1974) [ Fra ]
Changed the rules for calculating the number of MPs to sit in the next Parliament by amending section 51 of the Constitution Act, 1867.
Constitution Act (No. 1), 1975 (Formerly British North America Act (No. 1), 1975) [ Fra ]
Gave the Yukon and Northwest Territories representation in the House of Commons.
Constitution Act (No. 2), 1975 (Formerly British North America Act (No. 2), 1975) [ Fra ]
Increased the number of Senators from 110 to 112.
Gave the Yukon and Northwest Territories representation in the Senate with one member each.
Miscellaneous Statue Law Revision Act, 1977 [ Fra ]
A law which made some technical corrections to the Representation Act, 1974 (part of which later became the Constitution Act, 1974 (Formerly British North America Act, 1974)) and Northwest Territories Representation Act (part of which later became the Constitution Act (No. 1), 1975 (Formerly British North America Act (No. 1), 1975))
Canada Act, 1982 (U.K.)The title for this law was originally suggested by Barry Strayer in 1971. Strayer, Barry L., Canada's Constitutional Revolution, University of Alberta Press 2013. p. 41. [ Fra ] | [ U.K. Public General Acts ]
'Canada Act' originally conceived in 1971 in anticipation of the approval of the Victoria Charter instead of using 'British North America Act' to give the proposed new constitution an autochtonomous character, which many former African colonies of the UK had done in the 1960s.
Last Act of the United Kingdom Parliament containing the English and French versions of the Constitution Act, 1982.
Due to objections by British officials, the French versions of the Canada Act and the Constitution Act, 1982, had to be placed as 'schedules' as they would not permit any UK legislation tabled in Parliament in a language other than English. (Treaties approved by the UK Parliament containing foreign languages would be treated the same way - as schedules.)
From that time on, the United Kingdom Parliament relinquishes the power to affect any Canadian laws, including and especially the Constitution.
London Gazette notice of Royal Assent, March 29, 1982, printed April 1, 1982.
Constitution Act, 1982 (Part of the Canada Act, 1982) [ Fra ]
Part of an act which 'patriated' Canada's constitution, due to the drive of Prime Minister Pierre E. Trudeau.
Included a domestic amending formula (7 provinces / 50% of population, sections 38-49 - as proposed by the Government of Alberta) plus a clause which compels the Prime Minister to call a First Minister's Conference to review this formula by 1997.
(The amending formula has been restricted for the federal government by the Constitutional Amendments Act, S.C. 1996, c. 1)
Includes the Charter of Rights and Freedoms (sections 1 to 34).
Includes the 'Notwithstanding clause' allowing governments to suspend the certain parts of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms for renewable 5-year periods (section 33) [Which for example Quebec has invoked for all its laws up to 1984, then its language law, Bill 178, from Dec. 88 - 1993, and also Saskatchewan].
Includes a comprehensive schedule (a table) affecting many constitutional documents, including repeals and re-enactments. It should be noted that the list here is not exhaustive according to testimony given before the Special Joint Committee of the Senate and of the House of Commons on the Constitution of Canada in 1981.
Renames a number of Acts from 'British North America Acts' to 'Constitution Acts' to give the constitution a more autochtonomous character.
Never signed by the separatist Quebec government of the day, or even since then, but nevertheless is legally binding throughout Canada.
This is the first time the Constitution of Canada formally mentions the existence of the Prime Minister. No other Act explicitly creates that office, demonstrating that parts of Canada's Constitution is unwritten.
Proclamation, bringing into force the Constitution Act, 1982(Can.) [ Fra ]
The Document that the Queen signed at Parliament Hill making the Constitution Act, 1982, law.
Constitution Amendment Proclamation, 1983 [ Fra ]
First ever amendment of the Constitution after patriation with no need to have the UK Parliament involved.
Entrenched the recognition of rights obtained under aboriginal land claims agreements, giving them constitutional status.
Guaranteed equal rights to aboriginal women.
Added Part IV.1 on constitutional conferences to the Constitution Act, 1982 to operate until automatically repealed on April 18, 1987.
Committed all governments to invite aboriginal and territorial government representatives to the next two conferences on issues related to them.
Constitution Act, 1985 (Representation) [ Fra ]
Replaced section 51 of the Constitution Act, 1867.
It did away with the old, complex formula that the Mulroney government claimed would have created too many House of Commons seats, therefore costing more money.
Constitution Amendment, 1987 (Newfoundland Act) [ Fra ]
Originally requested by Premier Joey Smallwood in the Fall of 1971.
Amended Term 17 of the Newfoundland Act (formerly the Terms of Union of Newfoundland with Canada) to include rights and privileges (essentially, tax-funded) of more denominational schools, specifically the Pentecostal Assemblies.
Used the amending formula under section 43 of the Constitution Act, 1982.
Constitution Amendment Proclamation, 1993 (New Brunswick Act) [ Fra ]
Canadaeffective Curriculum Ideas High School
Amends the Charter of Rights and Freedoms to include the equality of the French and English linguistic communities in New Brunswick.
Includes a provision for the New Brunswick legislature and government to 'preserve and promote the status, rights and privileges,' of those communities.
A surviving fragment of the Charlottetown accord.
Used the amending formula under section 43 of the Constitution Act, 1982.
Constitution Amendment Proclamation, 1993 (Prince Edward Island) [ Fra ]
Amends the Prince Edward Island Terms of Union to recognize that the province can levy tolls for the use of a, 'fixed crossing joining the Island to the mainland.' (Specifically, Confederation Bridge.)
Used the amending formula under section 43 of the Constitution Act, 1982.
Constitution Amendment Proclamation, 1997 (Newfoundland Act) [ Fra ]
Repeals and replaces Term 17 of the Newfoundland Act.
Allows the government of Newfoundland to take control of establishing and continuing denominational and nondenominational schools.
Proposal of the amendment was approved by provincial referendum in the Fall of 1995.
Used the amending formula under section 43 of the Constitution Act, 1982.
Constitution Amendment, 1997(Quebec) [ Fra ]
Added Section 93A to the Constitution Act 1867, which excludes Quebec from the section relating to the organization of schools in the province (section 93). This gives it the sole power to determine the system of education used there.
Chief motive was to allow Quebec to reorganize the school boards along linguistic lines.
Used the amending formula under section 43 of the Constitution Act, 1982.
ConstitutionAct, 1998 (Newfoundland Act) [ Fra ]
Repeals and replaces Term 17 of the Newfoundland Act.
Further refines the issue of denominational schools in Newfoundland.
There is no mention of denominational schools, so a single school system can be established.
Courses in religion are guaranteed, including religious observances at the request of parents.
Used the amending formula under section 43 of the Constitution Act, 1982.
Constitution Act,1999 (Nunavut) [ Fra ]
Amends the Constitution Act, 1867, to raise the number of senators to 105 from 104, to allow Nunavut to be represented by one Senator.
Also raises the maximum number of Senators to 113 from 112.
Determines the fate of the current Senator from the Northwest Territories
Amends section 51(2) so that Nunavut is represented by one member of Parliament.
Will come into force on the same day as the Nunavut Act, on April 1, 1999.
Constitution Amendment, 2001 (Newfoundland and Labrador) [ Fra ]
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Officially changes the name of the Province of Newfoundland to the 'Province of Newfoundland and Labrador'.
Amends The Terms of Union of Newfoundland with Canada to reflect the changes.
Used the amending formula under section 43 of the Constitution Act, 1982.
Fair Representation Act, 2011 [ Fra ]
Amends section 51 of the Constitution Act, 1867, to change the rules for calculating the number of seats in the House of Commons.
Eppur, si muove.. - Galileo
Canadaeffective Curriculum Ideas Middle School
Last updated: 1 May, 2020.William F. Maton![](