
Cartoon of fractionation following a genome duplication event. Colored circle represent genes along a genomic region. Following a genome duplication, all genomic content including chromosomes and their underlying gene content is contemporaneously copied. Over evolutionary time, many duplicate genes (but not all) are lost from one homeologous region or its partner region. This returns the overall gene content of a genome to one that is more similar to the pre-duplicated ancestor, but the overall genomic structure has changed drastically. Genes that are retained in duplicate can be used to detect synteny by their collinear arrangement in two or more genomic regions.

Batch Fractionation (1855-1880) In the first refineries of the United States, Pennsylvania crude was easily distilled to produce kerosene for lamps (which burned cleanly without producing much smoke because of the paraffinic composition of Penn crude) and lubricating oil for steam engines. NGL fractionation facilities process mixed NGL streams into purity NGL products: ethane, propane, normal butane, isobutane and natural gasoline. The three primary sources of mixed NGLs fractionated in the United States are domestic natural gas processing plants, crude oil refineries and imports of butane and propane mixtures. Fractionation is a Mind Control technique which means that it is entirely different from anything you’ve seen before I can pretty much promise you this. In short, you’re going to discover how to use industrial grade Mind Control techniques to attract women in record speed. The following induction is my own version of Richard Nongard’s Fractionation with Discussion induction. Richard’s version appears in his excellent introductory text, Inductions and Deepeners. My version of the Fractionation induction, is clearly inspired by Nongard’s. Fractionation, in the most general sense, could mean any process whereby a mixture is separated into different components or fractions. Fractionation in this general sense, however, would include diverse methods and techniques that may have little in common.

Example GEvo analysis of fraction of gene content between 4 syntenic regions of Arabidopsis thaliana and one syntenic region of Carica papaya. Papaya is in the middle with 2 Arabidopsis regions above and below. Since their divergence, Arabidopsis thaliana has had two whole genome duplication events while papaya has had none. After each whole genome duplication event in Arabidopsis, duplicated genes are lost from one homeologous region or the other. Thus, this single region of papaya contains nearly the entire gene content of the four syntenic Arabidopsis regions. Note that some families of genes are retained preferentially following a whole genome duplication event, and that some genes transpose. This analysis can be regenerated at: .
Same example GEvo analysis as above, but with retained genes in Arabidopsis highlighted.
High-resolution GEvo analysis of a genomic region from sorghum and its two orthologous syntenic regions from maize. The sorghum region is the middle panel. Notice the strong pattern of collinear homologous genes between sorghum and both maize regions, while the maize regions only share two homologous genes with each other. This is due to the process of fractionation following the maize-specific whole genome duplication events. Results can be regenerated at:

Following whole genome duplication (WGD) events, fractionation is the process of gene loss from one homeologous genomic region or its partner region. Over evolutionary time, this returns a genome to its diploid state in terms of overall gene content. Thus, fractionation is part of the diploidization process. However, the overall structure of the genome will be vastly different as genes are lost from one homeologous region or the other, resulting in genes having different neighboring genes. Also, some families of genes are retained preferentially following WGD events.

Fractionation is a natural process where genomic regions that contain genes, regulatory elements, or other genomic features are lost over evolutionary time. This process is especially prevalent in plant genomes with a history of polyploidy events. After the duplication of a genomic region, or the entire genome as is the case with tetraploidy, most of the duplicated genomic features are lost from one homeolog or the other. This is assumed to happen because there is generally no selection for the retention of these features in duplicate. (However, it is important to note that there are several classes of genomic features that are selected to be retained following genome duplication events. As example of such a class are transcription factor genes.)

When conserved noncoding sequences (CNSs) are fractionated, this is evidence that the cis-regulation of their nearby genes is being subfunctionalized. Since the regulatory function of CNSs is inferred, we do not know how they may be regulating gene function (e.g. enhancers, repressors).

Comparison of syntenic fractionated genomic regions to an outgroup genomic regions without fractionation will yield a pattern of intercalated synteny.

Retrieved from ''

Fractionation Formula – What You Need To Know

Hey, it’s Jimmy Barnes here, standing in for Derek Rake in this blog post today.

So this is the score… I’ve made it my life’s work to hunt down the best, most foolproof way to have women fall head over heels for me. And right now I truly believe that my search is over – because I have discovered Fractionation.

But to be honest it’s taken a long time to get to this stage… I mean, damn, it took me three whole years stumbling in the dark before I met Derek Rake.

Derek helped me to unpack the formula behind Fractionation…

… but the amazing news is that I have finally cracked it, and you’ll now be able to learn about this amazing technique in this article today.

(There’s also an Action Checklist and Cheat Sheet you’ll be getting from me… more on that below.)

Have I got you interested?

Never mind interested, you need to be downright ecstatic!


Because once you get Fractionation under your belt, getting women to fall at your feet is piss easy.

Table of Contents

  • 8 Warning!

One Thing You Must Know About Female Psychology

However, before we dig deep into Fractionation, there’s an absolutely fundamental principle about women you need to know.

This is absolutely vital, so pay attention!

Here it is… Sports heads basketball: championshipobey games.

To be happy, women are naturally hardwired in their brain to want to be subservient to a man.

That’s right: surrendering to the dominance and authority of a man is hardwired into their genes.

Now I see the pitchforks and torches of the marching feminists out for blood coming over the hill now! But really, who gives a shit?

I mean, anyone who gets offended by basic human nature is completely delusional.

Those people should just leave us alone and go read a romance novel and continue to believe in that fantasy land bullshit. What are they doing here at Derek Rake’s blog, right?

And one more thing…

The guide you’re going to be reading on Fractionation can get quite detailedin certain sections…

…this means most you guys are going to find it difficult to REMEMBER all they’ve read once they get to the end…

…so what does that mean? Nobody can ACT ON stuff they can’t actually REMEMBER! 🙂

I don’t need to remind you that TAKING ACTION means absolutely everything if you’re going to get better dealing with women.

I mean… I don’t care if you know the very best seduction system the world has ever seen… it’s about as useful as an ashtray on a motorcycle if you never USE it… am I right?

Because of that, I have made a simple Action Checklist that shows everything you need to understand about Fractionation.

So, whenever you need to use the Fractionation Mind Control technique to seduce a woman, all you need to do is follow each step in the checklist in the document and it will walk you through the whole process. No muss, no fuss!

Here’s how you can get my Action Checklist absolutely free:

Download my Fractionation Checklist here. Includes every detail in a handy 12-page PDF, with an easy-follow, checklist format AND a bonus trick with Mind Control using hypnosis that’s NOT included in the article you’re currently reading.

There is a catch though…

Once you’ve downloaded my Action Checklist, PLEASE don’t share it around online, OK? It’s for your eyes only. If anyone else wants the Checklist, ask them to come here.

Done downloading the Checklist? Great. Let’s start! 🙂

READ ALSO: Dating A Female Sociopath? Here’s What You Need To Know

What Is Fractionation?

Simply put, Fractionation is a Mind Control technique which puts a woman under your dominance, 100%.

Fractionation enables you to dominate women. In totality!

I’ll show you how to use Fractionation on any woman in a moment. Before I do that, I just need you to go through a little mental exercise for me.

Fractionation Hypnosis

In your head, I want you to picture a woman you absolutely want to seduce.

Now imagine she’s right there with you, with that amazing smile…

You got that image in your mind? Good!

Now… see that same woman in front of you, down on her knees, and looking up at you with a look that tells you she is yearning for your approval, for your devotion.

Thing thing arena 3free flash games. Imagine that she is utterly and completely in love with you.

She will do absolutely anything (and I mean, anything) to please you, to have you fall in love with her too.

Now tell me how THAT makes you feel?

Yeah, I thought so… well, how does it make you feel if I let you know that this could be a REAL scenario in just a couple of weeks time?

Look, I know it sounds like it’s just too fabulous to ever be true…

I can’t blame any skepticism you feel… particularly if you’ve digested too many of those ridiculous Pickup Artist (or PUA) crap.

You know, those PUA “tricks” that are all over the internet, promising the universe and always failing to come up with the goods. Fuckup Artists, more like…

But you need to know that Fractionation is absolutely NOT some Pickup Artist trick or pickup line. In fact, it’s about as removed from the usual Pickup Artist crap as you can get.

Fractionation really is a cutting-edge Mind Control system that’s totally different to anything you may have come across before. I promise you!

In short, what you’re about to discover is an industrial-strength Mind Control system that will enable you to attract any woman…

…and it’s going to be quicker than you can ever imagine.

If you want to know how to hypnotize someone into falling in love with you, then this is it.

Before you get deep into Fractionation I really do recommend you do this –

Attend Derek Rake’s Online Masterclass that’ll give you the fundamentals of using Mind Control techniques to seduce any woman.

Once you’ve got the basics down in the Masterclass, the rest of the article is going to be more easily digestible.

For your free and personal invitation to our Mind Control Masterclass hosted by Derek Rake, click here and follow the instructions.

Remember, have paper and pen to hand and take plenty of notes!

Once you’ve watched the Masterclass you can continue with our guide.

How Fractionation Works

From the knowledge about Mind Control you got from Derek’s Masterclass, here’s quick test –

Why is Mind Control so much more effective than Pickup Artist tricks?

Here’s your answer…

Each and every woman’s brain is programmed to get ADDICTED to a number of psychological triggers.

It’s these addictions that make them very easily manipulated especially when you use Mind Control on them.

And compared to Mind Control, Pickup Artists are focused on trivial stuff like lame pickup lines, how to approach women and “how to dress up like a peacock to catch her eye”. Junk!

Now listen up:

It’s no place of mine to discuss any of the moralitybehind using Mind Control to psychologically manipulate women. Your moral standards are none of my concern. And yet, here’s the undeniable truth –

If you have mastered Fractionation (or other Mind Control techniques), you are in the position to completely exploit these particular weaknesses in women’s minds and make her totally subservient, letting you have anything you desire from her.

Does that sound amazing?

You’re going to learn how to do exactly that, so continue reading!

READ ALSO: October Man Sequence – The “Ripoff” Fractionation Tactic

Fractionation Seduction: Putting Her Through An Emotional Roller Coaster

In Derek Rake’s Shogun Method, he has collated THE most complete listing of women’s psychological weaknesses ever written.

For this guide, however, we’re only going to focus on a single, specific weakness:-

Inside the mind of every woman is a secret addiction to the “emotional roller coaster”.

Now, let’s unpack that a little. What does that mean?

It’s a fact that women just can’t consume enough crap like TV soap operas, chick movies, romance novels…. even those cheesy love songs by pussies like that Michael Buble guy.

Ever wondered why?

Let me tell you the secret sauce 🙂

All of those things – the TV shows, the books, and the shitty songs – are designed to do just one thing –

To take you on that emotional ride.

They take you through a full cycle of happinessand sadnesswithin their plot, story line or lyrics.

And here’s what happens when women ride that emotional roller coaster:

In their mind they automatically ASSUME they have a real, emotional connection not only to the story, but also to the storyteller

This means that if you can bring a woman along on an emotional roller coaster ride with you, you will be able to “trick” her mind into making that same strong and emotional connection with you.

Makes sense, right?

And you know what… the easiest method (by far) to take any woman on an emotional coaster ride is… yeah, well guessed – by using Fractionation.

Ok, now we can get to the really exciting stuff!

How To Use Fractionation On A Woman (Some Fractionation Seduction Examples)

It’s about time we got to the meat of this thing, isn’t it?

Here’s your first step to Fractionate any woman:

Get her to recall and describe some incident from her past that made her feel happy.

To get you started, try the following (you can use it word-for-word):

Hey, remember that time you felt real happiness, totally blissed out? What happened then? Why did it make you so happy?

This is important: you MUST get her to describe that happy incident in as much detail and as clearly as you can.

The aim is to have her actually relive the experience – you want her to start feeling those happy emotions right now.

(That’s the ride to the TOP of your emotional roller coaster.)

Now when you’ve done this, ask her (go word-for-word again):

Do you remember any time that you felt particularly sad, or even depressed? What happened there? Can you describe to me exactly what you were feeling then?

Once again we want to get her describing events in as vivid a way as they can possibly get. Now you’ve ridden down to that BOTTOM of the roller coaster.

Once that’s done you need to bring the girl back UP once again. How? You tell her a happy story that she can directly relate to.

You’ll be able to see her lighten up, and that’s when you hit home with your sad story, bringing her down again. (Listen, don’t sweat it – you can just making something up if that’s what you need to do!)


Now all you need to do is rinse, then repeat.

See how that works? Easy, right? 🙂

Now some women will react immediately when you give them these emotional roller coaster rides.

For others, well it may take quite a few repeated Fractionation exposures before they give in.

The key here is keep on plowing… her bitch barriers will soon tumble down like so many dominoes.

And you know what… within a short time, she’ll develop a complete emotional addiction just to you, in exactly the same way she can’t resist those TV soaps and the chick flicks. Pretty powerful stuff!

Using Fractionation To Get Your Ex Back

Fractionation Is An Example Of What Kind Of

Not long after I posted the original Fractionation guide here on Derek’s blog, I got a few messages from readers saying:

“Jimmy, can I use these Fractionation techniques to win my ex back?”

Well, the simple answer to that question is a resounding “Yes!”.

In fact, with to ex-girlfriends or wives, the Fractionation technique works even better than it does on new women!

Do you know why?

Well, it’s because you already have a bunch of experiences and memories created WITH her (bad AND good)…

Fractionation Define

… and you can use these when putting together the Fractionation questions you’ll need.

Makes sense, right?

And since these are experiences you’ve shared, the emotional recall she’ll have of them will be much more intense and powerful.

On top of that, you’ll actually be a “character” within the stories. That makes it much simpler to re-build your rapport with her and enhance the attraction.

Let’s not sugarcoat things here…

Winning back an ex can be pretty tricky… especially when you’ve had a big fight with her before the breakup.

However, by using Fractionation you will tremendously improve the chances of success. If anything, by invoking her past experience with you, you will get her to miss you badly… and want you back.

And yes, it will work even though she has somewhat become emotionally unavailable.

READ ALSO: Stages Of Love – The Infamous IRAE Model Of Progressive Attraction


Now at this point I gotta warn you…

Before heading off to use all you’ve learned about Fractionation on a special someone who you need to seduce, remember this:

Fractionation does have one downside, and it’s this…

Fractionation Process For Coconut Oil


If used indiscriminately and carelessly, these Mind Control methods are well known inflict harm on a woman’s psyche – often permanently.

Once you have seen the Fractionation method in action, it can be extremely tempting to go too far since it obviously works so well.

You got to remember:

Repeat exposure to Fractionation techniques could almost certainly damage a woman’s psychological makeup in a seriously bad way.

For example, I have come across guys who used Fractionation (or other Mind Control techniques like Barnum Statements) in order to get revenge on women who had hurt them previously.

It goes without saying that I am totally againstusing any of this information or these techniques to harm anyone. Derek will not condone it either.

So if you have bad intentions towards women using Mind Control, then stop reading and go get some help! See a shrink or something…

However, if you can promise me that your reasons for wanting to learn Mind Control are good and noble

(For example, you’ve genuinely fallen in love with a girl and you wish her to feel truly happy with you)

…then I strongly suggest you should devote some time to diving deep into Mind Control.

Hit the link below to get entry to the Mind Control Masterclass (free):


Derek’s Mind Control Masterclass (Click Here)

Fractionation Definition

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Fractionation Definition

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