Unit 1 Assignments And Notesmr. Mac's Class Website

MAC 1105 Pre-Class Assignment (due 5/8 by 11:59pm): Solving Linear Equations and an Introduction to Quadratic Equations 1. Solve the equation 3x = 15 2. Describe in words what it means to find the solution to 3x = 15. When asked the same question, Marcos said “ you need to find the number that when. Essay Questions/Writing Assignments. These 20 Essay Questions/Writing Assignments can be used as essay questions on a test, or as stand-alone essay topics for a take-home or in-class writing assignment on Holes. Students should have a full understanding of the unit material in order to answer these questions. Achieve Add a grade for an assignment done outside of Achieve (offline assignment) to the gradebook 1 View. Nov 2, 2020. Knowledge Sapling Learning (Higher Ed) Explaining a low grade on a completed assignment. Monday: Biomes - Day 1 - World Biomes (Notes) Tuesday: Biomes - Day 2 - World Biomes (Notes) HW: World Biomes Location (Assignment) Wednesday: Biomes in Film - Planet Earth: Episode One - From Pole to Pole + From Pole to Pole (Assignment) Thursday: Unit II Review - Review all materials from Unit II - Physical Geography. Research & writing for assignments. University assignments are a big challenge, but we can guide you. Get help with all aspects of your assignment, from research to writing.

Teaching Holes

The Holes lesson plan contains a variety of teaching materials that cater to all learning styles. Inside you'll find 30 Daily Lessons, 20 Fun Activities, 180 Multiple Choice Questions, 60 Short Essay Questions, 20 Essay Questions, Quizzes/Homework Assignments, Tests, and more. The lessons and activities will help students gain an intimate understanding of the text, while the tests and quizzes will help you evaluate how well the students have grasped the material. View a free sample

Unit 1 assignments and notesmr. mac

Target Grade: 7th-12th (Middle School and High School)

Length of Lesson Plan: Approximately 128 pages. Page count is estimated at 300 words per page. Length will vary depending on format viewed.

Browse The Holes Lesson Plan:

Full Lesson Plan Overview

Completely Customizable!

The Holes lesson plan is downloadable in PDF and Word. The Word file is viewable with any PC or Mac and can be further adjusted if you want to mix questions around and/or add your own headers for things like 'Name,' 'Period,' and 'Date.' The Word file offers unlimited customizing options so that you can teach in the most efficient manner possible. Once you download the file, it is yours to keep and print for your classroom. View a FREE sample

Lesson Plan Calendars

The Lesson Plan Calendars provide daily suggestions about what to teach. They include detailed descriptions of when to assign reading, homework, in-class work, fun activities, quizzes, tests and more. Use the entire Holes calendar, or supplement it with your own curriculum ideas. Calendars cover one, two, four, and eight week units. Determine how long your Holes unit will be, then use one of the calendars provided to plan out your entire lesson.

Chapter Abstracts

Chapter abstracts are short descriptions of events that occur in each chapter of Holes. They highlight major plot events and detail the important relationships and characteristics of important characters. The Chapter Abstracts can be used to review what the students have read, or to prepare the students for what they will read. Hand the abstracts out in class as a study guide, or use them as a 'key' for a class discussion. They are relatively brief, but can serve to be an excellent refresher of Holes for either a student or teacher.

Character and Object Descriptions

Character and Object Descriptions provide descriptions of the significant characters as well as objects and places in Holes. These can be printed out and used as an individual study guide for students, a 'key' for leading a class discussion, a summary review prior to exams, or a refresher for an educator. The character and object descriptions are also used in some of the quizzes and tests in this lesson plan. The longest descriptions run about 200 words. They become shorter as the importance of the character or object declines.

Daily Lessons

This section of the lesson plan contains 30 Daily Lessons. Daily Lessons each have a specific objective and offer at least three (often more) ways to teach that objective. Lessons include classroom discussions, group and partner activities, in-class handouts, individual writing assignments, at least one homework assignment, class participation exercises and other ways to teach students about Holes in a classroom setting. You can combine daily lessons or use the ideas within them to create your own unique curriculum. They vary greatly from day to day and offer an array of creative ideas that provide many options for an educator.

Fun Classroom Activities

AssignmentsUnit 1 Assignments And Notesmr. Mac

Fun Classroom Activities differ from Daily Lessons because they make 'fun' a priority. The 20 enjoyable, interactive classroom activities that are included will help students understand Holes in fun and entertaining ways. Fun Classroom Activities include group projects, games, critical thinking activities, brainstorming sessions, writing poems, drawing or sketching, and countless other creative exercises. Many of the activities encourage students to interact with each other, be creative and think 'outside of the box,' and ultimately grasp key concepts from the text by 'doing' rather than simply studying. Fun activities are a great way to keep students interested and engaged while still providing a deeper understanding of Holes and its themes.

Essay Questions/Writing Assignments

These 20 Essay Questions/Writing Assignments can be used as essay questions on a test, or as stand-alone essay topics for a take-home or in-class writing assignment on Holes. Students should have a full understanding of the unit material in order to answer these questions. They often include multiple parts of the work and ask for a thorough analysis of the overall text. They nearly always require a substantial response. Essay responses are typically expected to be one (or more) page(s) and consist of multiple paragraphs, although it is possible to write answers more briefly. These essays are designed to challenge a student's understanding of the broad points in a work, interactions among the characters, and main points and themes of the text. But, they also cover many of the other issues specific to the work and to the world today.

Short Essay Questions

The 60 Short Essay Questions listed in this section require a one to two sentence answer. They ask students to demonstrate a deeper understanding of Holes by describing what they've read, rather than just recalling it. The short essay questions evaluate not only whether students have read the material, but also how well they understand and can apply it. They require more thought than multiple choice questions, but are shorter than the essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

The 180 Multiple Choice Questions in this lesson plan will test a student's recall and understanding of Holes. Use these questions for quizzes, homework assignments or tests. The questions are broken out into sections, so they focus on specific chapters within Holes. This allows you to test and review the book as you proceed through the unit. Typically, there are 5-15 questions per chapter, act or section.


Evaluation Forms

Use the Oral Reading Evaluation Form when students are reading aloud in class. Pass the forms out before you assign reading, so students will know what to expect. You can use the forms to provide general feedback on audibility, pronunciation, articulation, expression and rate of speech. You can use this form to grade students, or simply comment on their progress.

Use the Writing Evaluation Form when you're grading student essays. This will help you establish uniform criteria for grading essays even though students may be writing about different aspects of the material. By following this form you will be able to evaluate the thesis, organization, supporting arguments, paragraph transitions, grammar, spelling, punctuation, etc. of each student's essay.

Quizzes/Homework Assignments

The Quizzes/Homework Assignments are worksheets that can be used in a variety of ways. They pull questions from the multiple choice and short essay sections, the character and object descriptions, and the chapter abstracts to create worksheets that can be used for pop quizzes, in-class assignments and homework. Periodic homework assignments and quizzes are a great way to encourage students to stay on top of their assigned reading. They can also help you determine which concepts and ideas your class grasps and which they need more guidance on. By pulling from the different sections of the lesson plan, quizzes and homework assignments offer a comprehensive review of Holes in manageable increments that are less substantial than a full blown test.


Use the Test Summary page to determine which pre-made test is most relevant to your students' learning styles. This lesson plan provides both full unit tests and mid-unit tests. You can choose from several tests that include differing combinations of multiple choice questions, short answer questions, short essay questions, full essay questions, character and object matching, etc. Some of the tests are designed to be more difficult than others. Some have essay questions, while others are limited to short-response questions, like multiple choice, matching and short answer questions. If you don't find the combination of questions that best suits your class, you can also create your own test on Holes.

Create Your Own Quiz or Test

You have the option to Create Your Own Quiz or Test. If you want to integrate questions you've developed for your curriculum with the questions in this lesson plan, or you simply want to create a unique test or quiz from the questions this lesson plan offers, it's easy to do. Cut and paste the information from the Create Your Own Quiz or Test page into a Word document to get started. Scroll through the sections of the lesson plan that most interest you and cut and paste the exact questions you want to use into your new, personalized Holes lesson plan.

What is the Diffence between Online and Hybrid?


Online Courses are completed fully online — meaning there are no on-campus meetings. Online Courses use ECC’s Learning Management System, CANVAS, to deliver content and to assess your learning.


Hybrid Courses are partially online — meaning there are some on-campus meetings. Hybrid Courses use ECC’s Learning Management System, CANVAS, to deliver content and to assess your learning.For hybrid classes, look for the class footnote in the Schedule of Classes for on-campus meeting dates and times.

Online and hybrid classes offer the same quality instruction and cover the same course material as face-to-face classes, the main difference is you are not always physically present on campus.

The registration process, course credit, and cost per unit is the same as courses held on campus. Anyone eligible to take courses on campus may enroll in online or hybrid courses.

Ready to take online classes? Please click on the Start here link or the link on the left menu by the same title.

What Do Classes Look Like?

In online classes you will have regular lessons each week. You log in to the online learning management system, Canvas, and complete your class lectures, assignments, interactive activities and tests to fulfill the course learning objectives. Your instructors will post their course materials, assignments, and announcements. The same learning objectives are used for all ECC classes whether it’s fully online, hybrid or on-campus.

These days, online learning can be just as or even more engaging than a traditional course, since your instructors will use the latest technological and teaching methods, including the use of multimedia and tools that increase social interactions in class. This makes learning more fun, as people get to know one another and support each other in their online course. Think of your class as your new learning community!

Is Distance Education for You?

Online and hybrid classes may be a good option for you:

  • Have good computer skills
  • Are self-directed and motivated
  • Are highly organized
  • Need a flexible learning schedu
Tweets by @ode_elco

To set yourself up for success in an online class, it is recommended that you have the following technology:

  • A laptop or computer newer than 3 years old, that has one of the following operating systems:
    • Windows 10 or newer
    • Mac OSX 10.10 or newer
    • Linux - ChromeOS
  • At least one of the following browsers:
    • Chrome
    • Firefox
    • Edge
    • Safari
  • Built-in or external microphone and webcam
  • Headphones
  • Stable internet connection

This is a list of basic computer system requirements to use Canvas.
It is a best practice to keep your computer and any software up-to-date.

Your faculty may have other technology requirements, check your syllabus for more details.

1) Welcome to Canvas and How to Log On
2) The Canvas Dashboard and Global Navigation Menu
3) Course Cards
4) Activity Stream
5) To Do List
6) Calendar
7) Syllabus
8) Modules
9) Assignments
10) Grades
11) Notifications
12) Pronto

Frequently Asked Questions

Students in online courses communicate with their instructor and classmates electronically via Canvas course website. The instructor posts such things as lectures, assignments, announcements, and other information to the site. The class may respond with questions, comments, etc.

In order to succeed in a distance education course, you must be self-motivated and be able to work well independently with minimum supervision. You do not meet regularly with your instructor in the classroom, so you must be able to manage your time effectively and stay on track with your coursework. It’s also important that you have strong reading and writing skills. Please see Skills for Success for more information.

Distance education courses are every bit as challenging as on-campus courses. In fact, surveys we’ve conducted reveal that some students find distance education courses more difficult.

Some instructors require students to be online at a particular time to take quizzes or exams, or to participate in chat sessions. You may contact your instructor for details.

It’s very important that you get in touch with your instructor as soon as possible if you’re having trouble. You may contact them by phone or by email. Our full-time instructors hold weekly office hours, so you can visit them in person, if you wish. Contact information for your faculty will be in your syllabus.

Unit 1 Assignments And Notesmr. Mac's Class Website Login

If you find you need help with the course material, check out the Tutoring Program administered by the ECC Learning Resources Center (LRC). Tutors help students prepare for tests, learn new concepts, improve study techniques, and answer questions about assignments. Free tutoring for ECC students is available each semester. All LRC tutors are highly trained and certified. Visit the Tutoring webpage for more information. Also Canvas assistance is offered through Canvas Assist, which is located on the Distance Education webpage, or the Learning Resource Center webpage.

Unit 1 Assignments And Notesmr. Mac's Class Website 2017

If for some reason you cannot access your course, use the link 'Ask Us About Canvas' tab on the right hand side of this page or email the Online and Hybrid Education helpdesk. We will get in touch with our Information Technology Services department and find out what the problem is.